Clients Rights & Responsibilities
In order to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all who visit the Wesley Food Pantry, we have established the following Client Rights and Responsibilities.
Client Rights
As a client of the Wesley Food Pantry, you have:
- The privilege of participating in a food distribution program, free of charge.
- The right to receive courteous and respectful service from all staff and volunteers who represent our organization.
- The right to be treated fairly without regard to age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, physical or mental handicap, or citizenship status.
Client Responsibilities
- Be truthful
- Respect each other
- Respect all rules, policies and procedures.
- Supervise children at all times.
- Drive safely.
- Respect parking guidelines.
- Use respectful language and behaviors.
- Be thoughtful of other clients.
- Respect the environment
- Do not smoke anywhere on the grounds.
- Do not eat or drink while inside the building.
- Do not loiter before or after program hours.
All clients are expected to follow these rules in order to be served at the Wesley Food Pantry.
Disregard for the above responsibilities may result in a discontinuation of services.